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Our Events

gFest@Mumbai was organised by reFrame in collaboration with Akshara Centre, Mumbai and Women's Development Cell, SVKM's Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics (Autonomous), Mumbai.


For three amazing days, multiple artworks across medium and form were exhibited across 2 venues at SVKM's Mithibai College of Arts, Mumbai.


OVER 500 students from 14 colleges visited the show, watched the films and engaged with the works that led to countless conversations on gender and the arts, the personal and the political. 

11 DIGITAL AND PHYSICAL WORKS created under the reFrame genDeralities fellowships were screened and showcased.

SPECIAL PANEL DISCUSSION on Living Art/Doing Gender/Doing Art/Living Gender provoked an intense discussion.

Photo Credits: reFrame team and Akshara Centre


Abhishek Anicca | Ektara Collective | Fatima Juned | Ipsita Choudhury | Jyotsna Siddharth | Muntaha Amin | Najrin Islam | Natasha Chandhock | Reya Ahmed | Samata Kala Manch | Urvija Priyadarshini

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